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Daglig skjønnhet: Den nye Mac Illustrerte poser av Illustrator Anja Kroencke og Graffiti Artist Indie 184

Illustrert pose av Indie 184
Girrrl, du vet at jeg elsker meg noe tilbehør. Og disse begrensede utgavene $ 36 Mac Illustrated Makeup-poser ser ut som kunstverk.

Den svarte og hvite linjetegningen er arbeidet med Illustrator Anja Kroencke, og de fargerike posene er av Graffiti Artist Indie 184.



Illustrert pose av indie 184
En titt på den illustrerte posen av Indie 184 …
En annen Anja Kroencke …
Illustrert bag av Anja Kroencke
Inne i Anja Kroencke-posen …

Jeg liker virkelig Anja Kroencke en med det bølgete håret og tårene (ikke kommer til å lyve, jeg ser så ut som det noen ganger!).

Du kan finne alle fire poser utelukkende på Nord-American Mac Stores for $ 36 hver.

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Det er alltid sommeren et sted med Tom Ford Beauty Spring 2012

Vel, hei bronse. Ting ser definitivt sol-kysset så vel som smoldering over på Tom Ford Beauty denne våren, så vel som jeg, for en, lurer det.

“Jeg har alltid elsket utseendet på solbrent, glødende hud, enten den oppnås med bronsepulver eller med naturlig brunfarge.”

– Tom Ford.

Noen få noms …


Med urviseren fra gullkrukken til venstre: kremfarge for øyne i skyld ($ 35), ultra utstråle leppglans i gullstøv ($ 45) samt kremfarge for øyne i ulovlig ($ 35)

Kremfarge for øynene i ulovlig

Kremfarge for øynene i skyld

Neglelakk fra venstre: Burnt Topaz, Gold Haze, Burnished Rouge samt Silver Røyk


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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Sølv røyk

Gull Haze

Brent Topaz.

Burnished Rouge.

Twatches fra venstre: Kremfarge for øyne i ulovlig, kremfarge for øyne i skyld og ultra utstråle Lip Gloss i gullstøv

Nail Lacquer Swatches fra venstre: Sølv røyk, Gold Haze, Burnt Topaz samt Burnished Rouge

Nail Lacquer Swatches: Burnt Topaz, Gold Haze, Burnished Rouge samt Silver Smoke

Den fulle Tom Ford Spring 2012 -samlingen inkluderer …

Kremfarger for øyne i platina, skyld, krydder og ulovlig, $ 35 hver

Lysende kinnfarger i som lyst, så vel som savage, $ 55 hver

Bronsepulver i Terra samt gullstøv, $ 90 hver

Ultra Radiate Lip Gloss i gullstøv, $ 45

Neglelakk i sølvrøyk, Gold Haze, Burnt Topaz samt Burnished Rouge, $ 30 hver

Med unntak av bronsepulveret, som dukker opp i mai, tilbys alle produktene i samlingen nå på Neiman Marcus butikker, så vel som på internett på

Jeg er overrasket over at Tom bestemte seg for å frigjøre dette som en vårsamling, hva med alt gullet så vel som bronse, så vel som de metalliske finishene som virker mer typiske for sommeren til meg enn våren.

Ikke at jeg klager. Jeg online for sommerfarger, så jeg sier bringer på bronsen! Heck, de kan ha gitt ut dette om vinteren, så vel som jeg ville ha sagt, “Det er litt rart, men ok.” Ingen klager fra denne enden av peanutgalleriet.

Faktisk forstår du hvor farger som disse virkelig kommer inn i sin egen denne tiden av året? På den franske rivieraen.


Vi burde gå (forutsatt at jeg treffer de neste mega millioner). Vi kan henge ut på et fancy femstjerners feriested, så vel som du mye bedre tror jeg ville rocke min brett shorts samt muê »umuê» deg mens vi er der.

Din Friendly Community Beaution Addict,


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Siste apotek OBSESSION: $ 7 Maybelline Make Me Pink ColorSensational Lipcolor

Det har ikke engang vært tre dager siden første gang jeg så det, men jeg er allerede full på besatt av Make Me Pink Colorsensational Lipcolor av Maybelline.


Um … det er bare $ 7! Jeg fikk det sist helg på min dame dato med Marisol da vi dro til Ulta. Hun skjedde å ha på seg det da vi møtte til lunsj.


Jeg er så glad jeg plukket opp det. Det er full dekning, men glatt, så vel som det ikke føles tungt på leppene mine. Det er også fuktighetsgivende.

Hvis du liker kjøligere tonet pinks, gi det en virvel.

Maybelline ColorSensational Lipcolor i Make Me Pink

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Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup and beauty blog Mascot, Vol. 222

My dearest kitty friends and colleagues,

As I’m sure some of you are aware (those among us able to comprehend calendars, that is), the holidays are approaching, and you only have a few days left to finish your holiday shopping.


To facilitate your feline (and human) gift-giving and make the process easier for you this year, I’ve compiled a list a list of 25 fabulously feline gifts to delight your friends, human associates and family.

You’ll find gifts for tech and beauty lovers, as well as home decorating aficionados and cats who accessorize.

Enjoy, and happy holidays!


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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1. Teal to Blue cat Cave Bubble

Sleep, dream and plot world domination in the privacy of your very own snuggly, 100% felted wool cat cave. $59, available now at the Vaivanat Etsy shop.

2. CatBall

Wish there was an easier way to monitor your humans from inside your cat cave? The CatBall allows you to monitor the movements of your bipedal assistants (they’re so cagey!) while also keeping you hidden, safe and secure. choose from a variety of colors and sizes to suit your feline aesthetic. $18 for a medium 12-inch ball, available now at the Boumtom Etsy shop.

3. Walnut Veneer double Feeder

Design minimalist and/or food fanatic? enjoy this raised double feeder’s elegant curves. $130, available now at the Vurv design studio Etsy shop.

4. cat yoga Mat

Downward dog (or cat) all day long with this awesome mat! $24.99, available now at the FelineYogi Etsy shop.

5. Upcycled Apple computer Pet Bed

This upcycled pet bed gives every cat the opportunity to be Internet famous. $129, available now at the AtomicAttic Etsy shop.

6. cat silhouette Shelves

Nobody puts tabby in the corner! functional and fashion-forward, these shelves will help you attain those highest heights. $325 for a set of three, available now at The refined Feline.

7. Cats in Van Gogh’s Bedroom

For the feline art fanatic. $20, available now at the DeborahJulian Etsy shop.

8. Canine Scratcher

This stylish scratcher satisfies your urge to claw while adding panache to any room. For the fabulous feline who has everything! $295, available now at

9. customized cat Mug

Because it’s your right — and your human’s duty — to immortalize your gorgeous mug on a mug. $59, available now at the ShebboDesign Etsy shop.

10. cat Hand Paw Magnet

When I need my assistant to go grocery shopping, I use the cat Hand Paw Magnet to post my grocery list on the fridge. $11, available now at the KafeeKatze Etsy shop.

11. The Penelope knitted scarf

Jump on the infinity scarf bandwagon before it’s too late with this chunky, knitted scarf. $17, available now at theLOVEstitch Etsy shop.

12. Bond-Inspired tuxedo Collar

Shaken, not purred! For the 007 fan, or for when you want to look effortlessly elegant but undone. $35, available now at the CatAtelier Etsy shop.

13. Hand-Knitted Sweater

Add a bright pop of color to your wardrobe with this hand-knitted sweater. $18, available now at the HandyDuo Etsy shop.

14. super Mario Bros Hat

Nivå opp! show your gamer kitty friends who’s boss with this crocheted super Mario brothers Hat. $10.50, available now at the SarabiRose Etsy shop.

15. Christmas Tree cat Hat

Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree… A festive hat to celebrate the season. $12, available now at the NotsoKittyShop.

16. Darn Socks Catnip cat Toy

If you’re a cat who firmly believes in recycling, you’ll love these up-cycled catnip sock toys. filled with a teaspoon of organic catnip, recycled crinkly plastic and pistachio shells for that purrfect crunchy sound. $7, available now at the MarvelousMelissa Etsy shop.

17. Chatty Nora tote Bag

I couldn’t have said it better myself. about $25, available now at the ChattyNora Etsy shop.

18. hungry cat iphone Case

Protect your precious iPhone, and snuggle with it at the same time. about $19, available now at the Tokyoinspired Etsy shop.

19. cat iphone Case

Update your iphone 5 to reflect your style with this case. $12.99, available now at the StyleiPhoneCase Etsy shop.

20. Kitten on the keys Pouch

Sing us a song, you’re the piano cat! A zip-up case to hold your treasures and treats. $15, available now at the Papersparrow Etsy shop.

21. fortune Kitty Catnip Toys

These fun kitty catnip toys bestow good fortune upon your kitty pals. $6.50, available now at the K. grant designs Etsy shop.

22. cat mom temporary Tattoo

Claim your human with these temporary tattoos. $5, available now at Cattoo Design.

23. cat Water transfer nail Stickers

Cute nail stickers to step up your assistant’s style game. $4.80, available now at the JS Utopia Etsy shop.

24. Meow Mitts Knitting Pattern

I think this fingerless glove pattern will be a hit at my next stitch ‘n’ bitch meeting. $5.50, available now at the TinyOwlKnitsPatterns Etsy shop.

25. cat note kort personlig skrivesaker


Disse personlige notatkortene feirer kunsten til det håndskrevne notatet. $ 20, tilgjengelig nå på Fionadesigns Etsy Shop.

Hvem er faner katten? For omtrent fem år siden skjønte jeg en bortfall, loppebitt i tabby katt med et dårlig tilfelle av ormer. Jeg kunne se at han ble falt på vanskelige tider, men hans dype kunnskap om høymote og varehus kosmetikk førte meg til å tro at han var mer enn å møte øyet. Vi ble raske venner, og nå er han faktisk sjefen min (og en vellykket kattunge).

Dine vennlige nabolag skjønnhetsavhengige,

Karen og Tabs.

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Frykt Frosty fullfører, men likevel som litt shimmer? Prøv Mac Pearlmatte Deal med pulver i Veronica’s Blush

Bruke den nye $ 29 MAC Pearlmatte Deal med pulver i Veronica’s Blush fra Archie’s Women Collection på mine øvre kinnben
Sammenlignet med de limelight-kjærlige purpurene, blues, røde og fuchsia bekjempe for spotlight på Veronica-scenen i Mac Archie’s Women Collection, virker Veronica’s Pearlmatte Powder Blush helt materiale for å holde backstage.

Jeg tror det er en av de mye flere Betty-lignende produkter i Vs kurv med sterke brights, tilsynelatende subtile, som en ren fra en kattunge whiskers på kinnet ditt, men se nøye, siden det er mye mer å se …


Dens myke rosa shimmer – ikke heller en full-på frost – viser absolutt mye mer lys enn Betty’s Pearlmatte pulver i flatter meg.

Pearlmatte Deal med pulver i Veronica’s Blush ($ 29); en silvery rosa base (spill det passende sjarm pulver) med dype rosa hjerter (ærlig skarlet pulver rødme)

Mens Peachy Coral flatter meg myke utstråle, formidler en bestemt fantastisk uskyld, er Veronica’s Blush stjele kyss bak blekere, svette kittle hennes panne, blod rushing til kinnene hennes som hun låser leppene med sin fineste venns kjære (Ruh-Roh!).

Prom Princess Pulver Blush til venstre samt Veronica’s Blush Pearlmatte Deal med pulver til høyre

Jeg tror Mac hadde en kvinne med blek eller middels kjølig tonet hud i tankene med Veronica’s rødme, en kvinne som naturlig graviterer mot lyseblå-baserte pinks, så vel som ønsker å lyse, så vel som å markere henne avtale med uten å telle på en potensielt alvorlig frostig finish.

Hun vil fortsatt at du skal legge merke til henne sminke, men det er derfor Mac sparket opp skinnet. (Å, men P.S., hun kan ta din kjære mens du ikke ser, så se din seks.)


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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Hvis du er en NC-fargetemperatur gal, tror jeg at du fortsatt kan trekke dette av, men du vil kanskje bruke det sparsomt. I tillegg kan mye på mørkere hudtoner virke alvorlig så vel som høy kontrast.


Jeg er en ho for koraller, så jeg tror jeg velger smigre meg, men jeg ville ikke passere muligheten til å henge med denne Veronica.

Pris: $ 29
Tilgjengelighet: Kommer 30. januar til cyberspace, til butikker samt tellere 7. februar, så vel som internasjonalt i mars
Sminke samt sjarm blogg rating: a

Ditt vennlige samfunn sjarmavhengig,


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Orange You Going nude This Summer? The MAC All about Orange Cremesheen Glasses believe You should

MAC double happiness Cremesheen Glass, $20
Everyday nudes…

A phrase like that might mean a few different things. It might refer to the billboard down the street from my brother’s apartment in SF that reads, “Touch Our Junk.”


(I’m quite sure it doesn’t mean junk of the discarded/reused/recycled variety.)

It might likewise refer to eminently wearable nude glosses — the kind you’ll happily wear over as well as over.

I nude gloss…


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$ 42.

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This time of year, I like it even more than usual since it’s just swipe as well as go. You can’t get much lower maintenance than that.

Double Happiness, Imperial Light as well as Rising sun Cremesheen Glasses
If your boo comes house from work early one random afternoon as well as says, “Eff this workaday crap, babe! Let’s go be beach bums in Hawaii,” nude glosses are great for times like that… Matte red lips just don’t go keeping that scenario.

Christina Aguilera might most likely pull off matte red lips, a vintage tankini as well as water wings, however me? Ikke så mye. I’d look like the primary event in an underwater circus.

Double happiness Cremesheen Glass
Yet one more of the many benefits of nude glosses…

A few days back while rifling with my bag for the chocolate I keep stashed “for emergencies” (don’t front, I you understand you do this too), the only nude glosses in my handbag were the new Cremesheen Glasses ($20 each) from MAC All about Orange.

Imperial Light Cremesheen Glass, $20

In less than a week, they muscled my routine rat pack of beige as well as pink glosses out of the way.

If you’ve ever used coral and/or peach glosses as well as thought, “Ooh! That’s cute,” I bet you’ll likewise like these.

Rising sun Cremesheen Glass, $20
Double happiness is the lightest, most unique as well as most likely the nudest of the three. Imperial Light as well as Rising sun are darker, however for some reason look extremely much alike on my pigmented lips.

Doesn’t take anything away from them, though. I believe they’re still juicy as well as delicious.

Swatches from the left: double Happiness, Imperial Light as well as Rising Sun
Rising Sun
Imperial Light
As for wear time, if I slick one of these on after my morning coffee, I have to reapply well before lunch, however that’s not a huge deal. They feel straight-up remarkable on my lips — moisturizing, non-sticky, smooth, as well as they have MAC’s signature vanilla flavor as well as scent.


That’s some kick-@ss comfort right there.

PRICE: $21 each
AVAILABILITY: offered now online, as well as coming June 6 to MAC stores as well as counters
Makeup samt skjønnhetsblogg rating: a

Your friendly community beauty addict,


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Den fantastiske 5, vol. 5: Timeglass Kosmetikk

Timeglass kan ikke være et Gargantuanly stort merke, men de er en av mine faves (ja, jeg vet, jeg har mange faves).

Luxe bitlinjen hagler fra ned på PCH (Pacific Coastline Highway), i Sunny Southern California.


Jeg liker en stor del av sine produkter, men her er fem av mine “must-haves” fra linjen. Neste gang du cruises The Aisles på Sephora, inspiser dem! Hvis du velger å gi en (eller flere) av disse fabelaktige 5 et forsøk, la meg forstå nøyaktig hvordan det går. Jeg håper du liker dem så mye som jeg gjør.

Produkter påpekte i denne videoen …

Omgivende belysningspulver i svakt lys ($ 45)

Oksygen Foundation Mineral Powder ($ 46)

Visionaire Eye Shadow Duo i Prisma ($ 38)

Opaque Rouge flytende leppestift i ballett ($ 28)

Foundation / Blush Clean No. 2 ($ 58)

Arch Brow Shaping Pencil ($ 32)

Takk for ekstremt mye for å se, så vel som om du tok glede i denne videoen, så vel som at jeg skal fortsette å gjøre dem, vennligst gi dette tommelen opp på YouTube, så vel som abonnere. Siden når du blir avsluttet, brenner det meg så mye som mer!


Takk, som alltid.

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,


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5 utilizes for Your just recently utilized however As-Yet-Unwashed foundation clean

one of my preferred foundation brushes, the No. 2 by Hourglass
Before you relegate that just recently utilized foundation clean to the stack of brushes you plan to laundry later this week (or today), believe it or not, it’s still a helpful tool, even after you’ve utilized it to apply whichever deal with product you’re using on any type of provided day as well as the clean has leftover product in the bristles.

I mean, of program we are going to laundry it ultimately (I laundry my brushes every day), however before that, while we’re still doing our makeup, we can utilize it to…


1. Tone down strong brows

Oops! UH oh. We’ve unintentionally used as well much brow filler as well as crossed the fine line between strong brows as well as Groucho Marx.

Hva å gjøre?

Well, we can run our just recently utilized foundation clean across our brows a few times to break up our brow powder or gel as well as lighten them up.


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$ 42.

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2. The meaning of cheeky

We can likewise utilize our utilized foundation clean to provide our cheeks a boost! After applying our blush and/or bronzer, we can sweep our utilized foundation clean best below the apples of our cheeks to define as well as sculpt their shape.

3. lift that look!

I believe you’ll truly such as this suggestion since it’s simple however makes a huge difference. After we surface applying eyeshadow, let’s get that utilized foundation brush, as well as swipe it from the outer corner of our lower lash line to the outer suggestion of our eyebrow to clean up the edges a bit as well as provide a bit lift to our se.

4. A blank canvas for nude lips

Let’s make nude lips look even nuder (nuder?). working with your preferred nude lipstick or gloss, swipe nevertheless much product stays on your just recently utilized foundation clean across your lips. Now, this technique works much better if your lips are in great shape. In my experience, if we see any type of flakes at all, our foundation will only draw interest to them.

I only do this every when in a while, as it has a tendency to dry out my lips…

5. Dial back bright blush

UH oh! We unintentionally used as well much blush as well as look like we have crazy clown cheeks.

Ikke noe problem. Let’s just stipple our just recently utilized foundation clean head lightly on top of our blush to tone down the intensity.

Der har du det! five utilizes for your just recently utilized however as-yet-unwashed foundation brush.

Ditt vennlige samfunn sjarmavhengig,


P.S. increase as well as shine, morning glory! After a full day of rain, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, as well as Tabs hasn’t swiped or bitten me (yet).

So far, so great on this beautiful Thursday.


Today I plan to appreciate the bit things, like my seven-year-old tabby alarm clock…

It’s extremely reliable. I’ll provide it that…
…and grilled lemons.

I had this tilapia fish special at Pasta Pomodoro last week. The grilled lemon completely took it to the next level.
I hope you have a downright fantastic day.

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Chisel Those Cheeks! Contouring Made simple With the new NARS Contour Blushes

using (and holding) the new NARS Contour blush in Paloma
I don’t want to divulge as well much, since I like being mysterious, as well as I want RyGos to continue believing that I get up with these chiseled cheekbones (Haha! Not). much better to have him believe they were sculpted by Michelangelo than have him understand they were really contoured by NARS.

I mean, you already understand so many of my tricks — what’s one more? Like, you understand that I hide a mini Babybel Cheese in my handbag (because you never understand when the desire to eat a little cheese wheel will hit you. #imjustsaying). You understand that I like Bravo. You understand that I am consumed with makeup, Trader Joe’s as well as cats. You likewise understand that one of my legs is somewhat longer than the other.


Wait — you didn’t understand that? Oops, I believed you did.

I assumption what I’m trying to state is this: being as exactly how you already understand so much about me, what’s a bit covert contouring talk between friends?

The trick to the chiseled cheeks I’m currently sporting is the new NARS Contour blush in Paloma, one of three $42 contouring powder blush duos just recently added to the long-term line.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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Um…is that cheese in your purse?
Each of the duos has — no surprise right here — two shades, one darker than the other. The darker shade is utilized to define as well as add depth to the face, while the lighter shades is utilized for highlights.

Paloma, the one I wear, is the middle-of-the-road option.

The new NARS Contour Blushes ($42 each)
Olympia, the lightest of the three duos, has an ivory as well as a rose; Paloma, a pinkish beige as well as a deep rose; as well as Gienah, the darkest duo, homes a honey as well as an amber.

NARS Contour blush in Olympia

NARS Contour blush in Paloma
NARS Contour blush in Gienah
Like the MAC pro shaping as well as Shaping Powders, they’re designed to shape as well as contour, as well as have a likewise smooth structure (not patchy at all), finely-milled powders as well as a soft sheen.

Initially, I was a bit freaked out by the strong pink, increased as well as beige tones among these NARS duos as well as thought, “Are these only going to work well on cool-toned skin?” however nope, that’s not a problem.

I feared that the pinkish beige as well as increased tones in Paloma would go grayish on me as well as my warm skin tone, as well as they do — if I stack on as well much — however as long as I stay with utilizing a few light layers, I can quickly sculpt as well as shape.

Olympia Swatch
Paloma Swatch
Gienah Swatch
You may have to utilize a few layers, depending upon exactly how deeply cut you want your contour, since these powders are on the sheer side — which isn’t a poor thing, mind you. I really believe it’s quite genius. It makes them simple to manage as well as virtually goof-proof. In my experience, it’s much easier (and even quicker) to develop up sheer layers of contour color, as opposed to starting with something darker as well as trying to buff it down.

Buuuut, even if you do occur to over-apply one of these Contour Blushes — no worries. The buttery formula is simple to blend out.

As far as the finish, it appears matte in swatches, however I do see a hint of sheen on my face, which I believe is nice. It seems genuine as well as natural.

I utilized to believe that contouring would add tons of additional time to my routine, however it doesn’t. Ikke egentlig. however my type of contouring isn’t excessively carved out.

Before applying NARS Contour blush in Paloma on the left, as well as after on the right
To apply these, I tons an angled deal with clean with one of the darker shades, then swipe it beneath my cheekbones, along my hairline, down the sides of my nose as well as along my jawline. Then, with the exact same brush, I apply the lighter shade on my upper cheekbones, down the bridge of my nose as well as on my Cupid’s bow, completing with a dusting of whatever blush I occur to be using on the apples of my cheeks.

As long as I’m not foolin’ around (which, actually, does occur often), I can knock out a quickie contour in 2-3 minutes.

Paloma with a bit of NARS Orgasm blush on top


That’s what I like finest about these Contour Blushes — they’re user-friendly. It makes them perfect for novices as well as others thinking about light contouring. just be a bit cautious not to over-apply if you have warm skin tone like mine.

PRICE: $42 each
AVAILABILITY: offered now at NARS shops as well as coming April 1 to NARS counters (also coming soon to
MAKEUP as well as beauty blog RATING: A-

Your friendly community beauty addict,
