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Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, March 21

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Well, it isn’t much of a poll. It’s more just a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past three years, which I guess makes this somewhere around Vol. 162. I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you enjoy reading mine.


A little sleepy, Zzzz… I was tossing and turning a lot last night, but otherwise I’m great. I feel really hopeful and organized today.

What do you use to clean your makeup brushes?

For years I used MAC brush Cleanser ($12), which always worked well, breaking up product buildup while being easy to rinse. I’d go through about a bottle a month, though, and that was adding up fast, so to save a few bucks I switched to Aussie Opposites attract Shampoo. just the regular shampoo. It takes a little longer to rinse, but it works well and only costs about $3.

Wide-legged jeans — yea or nay?

Yea! Within reason, of course. When they’re too wide, I think they make me look even shorter than I am, as if that’s possible, ha!

The last book that made you cry?

Mockingjay, the third book in The Hunger games trilogy. I finished it in bed early one morning, emotionally exhausted. I think it was about 2, and I didn’t want to wake El Hub, so I went into the bathroom to quietly sob for about 10 minutes.

Do you wear bracelets?

Yes, as long as they have some kind of elastic to keep them snug against my wrist or forearm. Cuffs are cool too. but bangles that tend to movie up and down my arm get on my nerves (and in my way when I’m typing).

Have you ever cut your own bangs?

Jepp. Back in my high school hair bear days I’d cut them unevenly on purpose, so that when I pumped them up with hairspray they’d looked layered. Eek, I must have looked like a hot MESS!

Are you a procrastinator?

I’ll answer this one later, LOL! Well, it’s a habit I’m trying to break.

Favorite cookie?

Chewy semi-sweet chocolate chip, please.

I always knew I’d…

Have a job working with animals (or, in my case, working for one).

Weekly goals:

Track how much time I spend fooling around throughout the work day, reward myself for completing important tasks, run at least three times by Saturday, and prepare a real dinner four times this week (real meaning not something squeezed out of a package or a can).

Did that picture at the top of the post make you drool a little bit? If it did, may I introduce you to my delicious new obsession, the avena (aka oatmeal) shake. It’s made with oatmeal, milk, sugar and cinnamon, all blended together. I read that it’s popular in Latin American countries, and I can see why. Yum!

I got the recipe from Gina, who runs the site, recommends adding ice before blending and drinking it cold for breakfast, but since it’s been chilly here in the morning, I skip the ice and drink it lukewarm.


I’ve been having it for/with breakfast for the past couple of days. SIDE NOTE: This is probably TMI, but if you’re trying to get more fiber in your diet, one glass of this stuff will clean your pipes (sorry)!

For å fullføre mandagsundersøkelsen, bare kopier du følgende liste, og lim den inn med svarene dine i kommentarene.

1. Mood:
2. What do you use to clean your makeup brushes?
3. Wide-legged jeans — yea or nay?
4. The last book that made you cry?
5. Do you wear bracelets?
6. have you ever cut your own bangs?
7. Are you a procrastinator?
8. favorite cookie?
9. I always knew I’d…
10. weekly goals:


Have a great day today. let me know how you’re doing if you get a chance.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict


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