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Søndager med faner katten, sminke og skjønnhetsblogg mascot, vol. 332

Søndag, søndag, søndag! Det er veldig bolle søndag, og nevøen din er helt stoked. Han kan ikke vente med å se om Katy Perry inkluderer noen katter i halvtime-showet, fordi som du vet, er hun en stor tidskatt dame.

Jeg håper det. Jeg mener, ingenting går bedre med fotball enn katter.


I dagens svært spesielle utgave av søndager med faner … Tabs snakker om sin fortid som en profesjonell feline fotballspiller, den beste modellering poses, utstyr for suksess og personlig hygiene.

Seriøst, skjønt, min favoritt del av selve bollen er vanligvis reklamefilene og snacks (veggie burger hunder!). Som du vet, har fanene faktisk stjernespillet i noen få prisbelønte reklamefilmer.

OK, la oss få dette festen startet! Ha en blast i dag, og hvis du har andre spørsmål, vil du at jeg skal spørre sine Majestet-faner i sitt neste eksklusive intervju, la dem være her i kommentarene.


Din vennlige nabolag skjønnhetsavhengige,


P.S. Gå Pats!

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Har du noen gang brukt tilhørende sminke med noen?

Vel, ha deg?
Um … ja! Så hva om det er cheesy; Det er helt morsomt. Jeg gjorde det tilbake i høy institusjon med mine gode venner hele tiden. I Band (Band Geeks 4 Life) Mine gode venner så vel som jeg ville ha nøyaktig samme leppestift for forestillinger.

Og jeg kan vagt huske min gode venn Jen, så vel som jeg bruker nøyaktig samme matchende våt ‘n’ Wild leppestift gjennom et stort sophomore år … Faktisk gjorde vi likevel det på college, selv om vi ikke gikk til nøyaktig samme skole. Vi var begge om Mac Paramount Lipstick tilbake da (det er dette virkelig mørkt, ekstremt 90-tallet matt brun).


Hmm … Med 90-tallet som gjør et comeback nå, ville det gå bra med noen denim overalls, en plettet knapp-down tee skjorte samt timberlands (de er baaaaaack! Jeg så et knockoff pair på DSW forrige uke. Kjør for bakker!).

Så fortell meg, har du noen gang brukt tilhørende sminke med noen? Spørende sinn vil vite.


Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,


P.S. glad i torsdag, babe.

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7 methods to Win a $50 eGift Card From Sephora! (Ends Monday)

Win a $50 Sephora eCard from makeup as well as appeal Blog

Rise as well as shine, morning glory!


I like that phrase… I’ll tell you the story behind why I utilize it one of these days.

Hvordan sov du? Did you have any type of dreams? I don’t keep in mind if I did last night. often I do, however last night is just a sleepy blur.

The sun is out this morning, however I don’t understand exactly how long it’ll last, so after I surface my French toast, I’m going for a long walk outside (yes, I’m brining feline treats).


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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Not much new to report. Last night I did see the new Captain America motion picture with El Hub as well as believed it wasn’t bad. Honestly, though, often the superhero motion pictures kind of merge together for me. I like sci-fi — you understand that — however the marvel comic themes normally stay with a handful of story lines. Vengeance, misinterpreted hero, quest for power, greed, bizarre requirement to ruin the world in buy to rebuild it anew.

Anywho, I hope you have a great weekend lined up. I have some blog work to do (some huge stuff happening next week), however I’ll try to spend a long time outside. I do have to repair work the damage the storm did to the garden on my deck.

Åh! as well as assumption what? Some community birds absolutely destroyed the planter full of feline lawn seedlings for Tabs. I assumption they discovered the seeds yummy.

Yeah, Tabs was none as well delighted about that.

Good luck in the giveaway. Snakkes.

One (1) Sephora eGift card consisting of $50 sent to the champion by email (international readers, you may opt to get $50 sent by PayPal instead).

Enter utilizing the Rafflecopter widget below.

Open to U.S. as well as worldwide readers.

You need to be 18 or older to go into (or otherwise an adult based on your regional laws).

Your comment can be about anything at all, however right here are some concepts if you’re stuck:

How do you feel about cosplay? have you ever dressed up in costume for a convention or anything like that?

Have you ever been on a work retreat? exactly how was it?

Write a quick haiku. Here’s mine: yesterday I strayed; I played with other kitties; it made Tabs jealous.

What’s the very best concealer as well as why?

What’s something you like about yourself?

When was the last time you went to a library?

You can go into in as much as seven methods to improve your possibilities of winning.

The giveaway ends on Monday, April 7, 2014 at 11:59 PM (Pacific Time).

Full terms as well as conditions are offered in the widget.


en rafflecopter giveaway.

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,


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Urban Decay er raske enkle, attraktive delvise falske lashes, er nettopp hva navnet deres antyder

som bruker Metropolitan Decay’s nye, raske enkle attraktive partielle falske lashes i Instalure ($ 15) på ytre hjørner av min øvre lash linje
Jeg holder Metropolitan Decays nye, raske enkle, attraktive partielle falske lashes ($ 15) på metaforisk sminkehastighetsskive for neste mandag morgen når jeg føler meg blah, så vel som krav en enkel pick-up. Disse vil absolutt treffe stedet, vurderer at de er så raske til å utnytte så vel som enkle å søke.

Når du og / eller ditt lashes krav en heis, så vel som du heller ikke har, eller ikke vil bruke, er tiden å ta vare på dramaet som vanligvis følger med falske lashes, delvis som rask enkel, attraktivt.


Jeg er en stor fan.

Jeg ringer dem til å starte Falsies, med tanke på at det kortere bandet gjør dem mye lettere å manipulere så vel som kontroll.

Perfekt for fledgling falske lash aficionados, eller noen som ønsker en mye enklere elegant frynse.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

Disse tre nye stilene fra storbyforfall er som lyn i en flaske. Jeg kan bruke noen form for en av dem på mindre enn et minutt.

Fordi de ikke er like store som full størrelse falske lashes, trenger jeg ikke å trimme dem på noen måte å passe, så vel som fordi de allerede har et svarte band, kan jeg også unngå det ekstra trinnet med å måtte Mørk bandet med liner.

Og jeg tror de bare bemerkelsesverdige nok til å få oppgaven gjort.


Instalush, min foretrukne en av disse tre, har en criss-cross stil som gjør at min lash linje ser full og, vel, frodig. MBB Rating: A

Instaflare har også et kryss-cross-design, men vippene er lengre på ytre hjørner, hvor de kan subtly markere disse feline øyeflikene. MBB Rating: A

Instalure’s Vashes er direkte så vel som forskjøvet, som jeg tror ser litt rart på meg, så vel som bandet er stiv så vel som ubehagelig. Denne er ikke min favoritt. MBB Rating: C

Når det gjelder at Metropolitan-forfallet bruker for disse, snakk om bemerkelsesverdige lim. I motsetning til Duo Lim, som lukter som en fisk rotting i en tenåringsfotballspillerens treningssenter (EWW), har limutnøkelsen ikke noe duft, så vel som applikator-ideen gjør det enkelt å bruke limet nøyaktig langs lashbandet.

Seriøst, faner har ingen tommelen … og jeg vedder på at han kan gjøre det.

Men det er ikke alt. Hver av disse settene inneholder også to par, søtt!

Du kan oppdage alle tre av dem nå for $ 15 en boks i Metropolitan Day Long-Term Line på Ulta, velg Macy’s butikker, så vel som på Internett på

Sommer, sommer, sommertid

Har du gått hvor som helst i sommer? Taken any type of fun trips?

El Hub as well as I have stayed close to home, for the most part, since Tabs has had a hectic summertime with great deals of kitty modeling, however we’re taking a short trip to Tahoe in a couple weeks, as well as I’m extremely excited!

Last time we were there was in 2012 (I rode a jet ski for the very first time). The lake water was awfully chilly, however whatever was so pretty, as well as there were great deals of fun things to do.

I believe I’m going to bring my wetsuit this time around so I can do a lot more water activities like stand-up paddle boarding as well as kayaking around the lake.


Have you ever been to Lake Tahoe?

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,


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Smil! Disse også faced selfie pulvers er instagram-verdige

iført de nye for møtt selfie pulver ($ 36) i soloppgang og helt ristet
Endelig! Nå vet jeg hva jeg manglet i mitt liv … bilder av en Chihuahua iført en beret foran Eiffeltårnet! (se nedenfor)

For faced selfie pulver ($ 36)

Bonjour, valp!
Nå er dette ikke bare noen tilfeldige Chihuahua iført en jaunty cap foran en ikonisk struktur.


Nei, denne valpen har en jobb. Han er her for å demonstrere hva de tre ansiktspulver i den nye for møtt Selfie Powders Palette ($ 36) skal gjøre for huden din.

Eller du vet, pels.

De skal fungere som Instagram-filtre for ansiktet ditt, med hver enkelt å produsere en annen effekt.

Sunrise lyser og varmer (Ooh! – Kinda som Valencia-filteret), helt ristet skaper en bronzy glød, og Lavendel Moon-elven kaster et kjølig, eterisk lys.

For møtt selfie pulverprøver fra venstre i soloppgang, helt ristet og Moon River

Bare buff dem på huden din med en kabuki børste eller en ansiktsbørste, og du kan bære nyanser individuelt, eller bland dem sammen. Her har jeg soloppgang og helt ristet blandet sammen og støvet på kinnene mine og rundt kantene av ansiktet mitt for en myk glød.

Jeg ligner disse til sheerer versjoner av timeglass omgivende pulver, og av sheerer mener jeg at jeg må søke og buffe tre eller fire lag på huden min for å se en knapt-der, subtil forskjell.

Jeg liker det jeg ser, skjønt. Jeg vedder på at effektene vil bli enda mer slående og uttalt på lettere lasses.

Hvis du er nysgjerrig, kan du finne Selfie Powders online nå, og i forhold til tellere og Sephora.


Bare se etter Beret-wearing Chihuahua.

Din vennlige nabolag skjønnhetsavhengige,


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5 things I’ve Been Loving Lately

Pink lemonade as well as chocolate-chip cookies

Pink lemonade as well as chocolate-chip cookies! Hello, my new preferred snack.

El Hub believes I’m a bit nuts to like this combo as much as I do since for him, it’s all about milk as well as cookies (for dunking), however the pink lemonade combo is completely working for me.


Not to dunk though. I don’t dunk the cookies in the lemonade. I just like to have them together. I like the contrasting taste of the tart lemonade (ha! I practically composed “Tarte lemonade”) with the sweetness of the cookies.

Åh! — as well as lemonade has to be chilly as well as pink. Don’t ask me why; it just does.

I truly like Trader Joe’s Low-Calorie Pink Lemonade Made With organic Lemon Juice… As usual, TJ’s gets it right.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

Kerastase Spray Fluidissime…for unruly bangs!

So I’ve had this bottle of Kerastase Spray Fluidissime ($42 for a 5.1 fl-oz. bottle) for a while, as well as it’s essentially an anti-frizz, thermal-protecting, shine-boosting spray that you spray on wet hair, as well as then either air or strike dry.

I mainly just utilized it on long sections of my hair from about mid-length down to the ends, where it does a excellent job, however for reasons unknown, it never occurred to me to try it on my bangs…

Until the other day.

Wow, it works great! It tames my mischievous, frizzy side-swept bangs, which have gotten long as well as rebellious lately since I’m method overdue for a trim.

This spray completely tames their inner beast. I just spray a few spritzes on my bangs while they’re wet, then dry with a clean as well as a hair dryer.

It makes my hair smooth, silky as well as well-behaved, as well as it holds the side-swept shape perfectly.

I liked this spray before…BUT now I LURVE IT.

This “K” mug from HomeGoods

First things first, I requirement to stop going to HomeGoods…

Because each time I walk in there, I walk out with one more mug, as well as I am the LAST person in the world who needs one more mug.

Let me put it this way: there are only two unfortunate glasses in my kitchen area cupboard (because El Hub, who works part time as a bull in a china shop, broke the rest) as well as about 20 mugs.

This one is my new favorite. I got it to replace the Anthropologie mug I utilized to have that had the letter “K” on it because, surprise! — El Hub broke it.

This one is by signature Housewares, as well as it was just $4. It’s huge as well as deep, as well as I like that it doesn’t get molten hot when I warm something up in the microwave.

I will delight in the time we have together up until El Hub breaks it…which ought to occur a long time within the next few weeks.

Sephora neat Detangling Comb

This $8 hot pink detangling comb has seen a great deal of utilize because the Sephora haul I did a while back.

I like this dang thing. I utilize it in the shower at night to work conditioner with my hair, as well as then utilize it once again the next morning to detangle. It gets out all the knots without messing up my waves, as well as it feels effing amazing on my scalp. It doesn’t feel pokey at all. just really, truly good.

The “Sephora” label on it is already starting to fade, however it sure as heck doesn’t hurt the comb. This is the very best $8 I’ve spent there in a while.

Live like Pop Truffle Salt Popcorn

I may or may not have eaten half of this bag of online like Pop Truffle Salt Popcorn ($4.25) because I opened it a few days ago.

WHOOPS! I just tripped as well as they all fell into my mouth…

They aren’t very salty, oily, buttery or flavored, however there is a hint of truffle (I assumption that’s what it is). Anyway, they’re just good, as well as only 35 calories per cup!

Yup, they were one more HomeGoods find.


Your turn, my friend. What are a few things you’ve been loving lately? any type of classification is fair game — noms, makeup, hair clips, accessories, composing pens, patterned socks, cooking appliances, noms…

Ditt vennlige samfunn sjarmavhengig,


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Tingly, Non-Sticky Lip Injection color Bombs by too faced Cosmetics: around These Balms, You Can let Your Hair Down, baby

new $21 Lip Injection color Bomb in bigger Berry, by too faced Cosmetics
Yup, I’m still waiting.

Still waiting for that personal wind maker I keep hoping someone will invent. The battery-powered, artificially intelligent one that follows me around wherever I go, ensuring that my hair is kept in a permanent state of wind-blown divaliciousness worthy of Mrs. Carter/Sasha Fierce herself.


Yeah, that would be AWESOME.

But then there’s the whole issue of getting your windblown hair stuck in whatever lip product you’re wearing (#firstworldproblems).

Sticky, shiny lipglosses? Sooo terrific for flashing pouty faces at strangers on the bus, like that cute kid in the glasses (oh, hai!), but really, really bothersome when your hair inadvertently gets stuck to your lips.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

From the left: bigger Berry, Coral Pop, candy Burst, Eastwood Red, never enough nude and Plump It Up Pink
Coming soon to rescue lips from wind-whipped hair, the new too faced Lip Injection color Bombs ($21 each), a line of six chubby twist-up stick balms to extravagant lips with a stain of color while plumping them up at the same time.

Why give them a try? — well, other than the fact that they won’t stick to your lips outside or while you’re posing in front of your wind machine?

Why try these Lip Injection color Bombs by too faced Cosmetics?

Because they’re lightweight, comfortable and non-sticky! They feel just like a lip balm but look way a lot more intense than that.

Because they smell (faintly) and taste like yummy strawberry candy.

Because the slightly shiny satin finish opts for nearly any makeup look from dressy to casual.

Because of their smooth, even color

Because of their 2-3 hour wear time, which isn’t bad for such pigmented balms.

Because they’re pretty darned moisturizing (the formula consists of mango butter and Vitamins A, C and E to soften and smooth yo’ pout), although not quite as moisturizing as Neutrogena’s similar MoistureSmooth color Sticks.

Because of the way they tingle when they’re applied (they’re lip-plumping products, after all) and how it reminds me I’m alive! The sensation reminds me of MAC’s Plushglasses and lasts about 5 minutes before I don’t notice it anymore.

As for the lip plumping effect, it’s very subtle with these, so if you were intending to come away with lips like one of the real Housewives of Beverly Hills, you might be disappointed.

From the left: bigger Berry, Coral Pop and candy Burst
From the left: Eastwood Red, Not enough nude and Plump It Up Pink
From the left: bigger Berry, candy Burst, Coral Pop, Eastwood Red, never enough nude and Plump It Up Pink

Candy Burst
Never enough Nude
Plump It Up Pink
Coral Pop
Eastwood Red
Too faced Lip Injection color Bomb bigger Berry


Like similar stick balms available from other lines ideal now (Tarte LipSurgence, Clinique Chubby Sticks and the Neutrogena MoistureSmooth color Sticks), these Lip Injection color Bombs offer an easy way to dress up lips without a ton of effort.

Their plumping powers take things a step further, although the overall impact, at least on my lips, is nuanced.

I think these are a lot more pigmented than similar products, although I do wish they were also a little a lot more moisturizing, but all in all, I like ’em. If you and I were shopping at Sephora together and you asked me what I thought, I’d say, “They’re pretty good if you want something that’s not sticky or too shiny.”

PRICE: $21 each
AVAILABILITY: six shades total, all available now in the permanent line at Sephora, Ulta and online
Smink og klageblogg Rating: B

Time to pack (AGAIN)

Not that I’m complaining. Mye. I am a little tired, but traveling for the third week in a row has absolutely kept things interesting, to say the least.

I’m heading down to Venice beach in southern California first thing tomorrow, and this time I think Tabs wants to come with me.

But, unfortunately, he can’t. He’s all booked up.

Part of me secretly wishes he’d stow away in my luggage. Ha! He could do meet-and-greets while I looked for the nearest Pink Berry.


How are things on your end? I hope your day was filled with blue-eyed baby cats and terrific surprises. Hva skal du ikveld?

Din vennlige nabolag appellavhengige,


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Prøv $ 15 Nyx La Fleur Lip Gloss Set for Everyday Pinks og fersken

Oui, Ma Cherie, jeg kunne tilbringe hele dagen med å se på Nyx 5-delt La Fleur Lip Gloss Set.

Disse pinks og fersken er nøyaktig samme versjon av disse nyanser som jeg alltid liker å ha med meg i vesken. De er mine perfekte daglige farger.



Denne $ 15 settet er som en litt diskret, mer nøytral versjon av NYXs legends leppe sett, og de to kittene har noen få ting til felles. La Fleur Lipglosses har også den samme sure patch candy smak og duft (den søte delen, som hvordan de smaker først. Ikke den sour-delen.) Det varer omtrent to timer på meg, og de bruker også ganske ren.

Eneste ting er … Jeg kan ikke lett fortelle dem på hverandre på min pigmenterte pout, så jeg skal bruke dem mer for lagring for å tone ned lyse rosa, fersken og koralllipprodukter enn som frittstående glosser.

$ 15 La Fleur Lip Gloss Set er tilgjengelig nå online og hvor NYX er solgt.

Fra venstre: Cashmere, Fair Lady, naturlig skjønnhet, kile meg rosa og fikk deg til å rødme

Fra venstre: Cashmere, Fair Lady, naturlig skjønnhet, kile meg rosa og fikk deg til å rødme

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Oppgrader din hjemme-manis med Tweezerman Pushy samt Nail Cleaner

$ 18 Tweezerman Pushy samt Nail Cleaner
Seriøst, det siste jeg noensinne har forventet å høste hodet over hælene for var dette bitverktøyet fra Tweezerman. Det er $ 18 Tweezerman Pushy samt Nail Cleaner, så vel som det er en av de tingene som ikke så ut som mye først, men det viste seg å være] virkelig, virkelig praktisk. Nå bruker jeg det på den vanlige.

Det er et dobbelt-endret rustfritt stål nagelverktøy med en flat spatel-lignende pusher i den ene enden for å presse tilbake cuticles, så vel som en liten vinklet scooper i den andre enden for å rense under så vel som rundt negler. Hele greia er metall så vel som om lag fem inches lang.


Høres enkelt, ikke sant? Vel, denne spesifikke Doodad på samme måte gjør det som det gjør veldig bra. Kantene på begge ender er glatte, så de ikke riper neglene dine, så vel som akselen er strukturert på steder for å gjøre det enkelt å gripe mens du får ut alt gunk (eww!). Det føles også betydelig så vel som komfortabel i min pote.

Det er $ 18, som gjorde meg gulp aller første gang jeg så prisen, men det er pålitelig så vel som solid, så det må vare en stund. Å være rustfritt stål, det kan aldri ruste. Darned ting kan vare permanent (eller i det minste frem til jeg mister det). Den tilbys nå på Internett, så vel som på apotek og Ulta.


Dette er et av de verktøyene som jeg ikke trodde jeg ville ha krav til jeg gjorde, men nå som jeg har brukt det, jeg er hekta. Nå er det et must-ha for min hjemme manis.

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,
