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Hvor ofte bruker du levende sminke?

ganske ofte, men det avhenger. Når det gjelder mine øyne, liker jeg farge, spesielt lyst farge, men jo lenger jeg kommer inn i 30-årene, jeg må innrømme at jeg føler meg mindre så vel som mindre komfortabel i lime øko-vennskap, så vel som hot pinks når jeg ‘ m verktøyet rundt matbutikken.

I disse dager, hvis jeg bare henger rundt, så vel som ikke ute, gjør noe elegant eller morsomt, forblir jeg vanligvis med nøytrale øyne med kanskje litt pop av farge på lokkene mine eller langs lash-linjene.


Når det gjelder kinnene mine, har jeg ingen slike kvalme. Jeg vil absolutt gjøre brights under nesten alle typer omstendigheter, men jeg vil normalt bruke dem med en lett hånd.

Og lepper? Gimme en lys rosa, rød eller oransje pout enhver type dag i uken.

Hva med deg? Nøyaktig hvor ofte bruker du levende sminke?

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,



P.S. Nesten over Hump, Huzzah! Hva er du så mye som i kveld? Jeg er bare i ferd med å se i går kveldens episode i Southland (seriøst, akkurat hvordan kom vi sammen før DVRS?) Så vel som re-lest litt mye mer av sultespillene.

Håper du hadde en fantastisk dag.

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Få Chanel Look for mindre med $ 18 Charlotte Ronson Starry Eyes Liquid Eyeshadows

Charlotte Ronson Starry Eyes Liquid Eyeshadow Twatches fra venstre: Alison, Sky, Kelly så vel som Shiri

Star Light, Star Bright, Very First Star Jeg ser i kveld … Jeg ønsker jeg, jeg ønsker jeg kanskje, har Chanel Desire jeg ønsker i kveld …

Enhver så vel som alle væske-til-pulver øyenskygge stemplet med chanel dobbelt c på hetten er ganske mye rad i boken min.


For dårlig de bekjente alltid 8 millioner dollar … eller derav. Ok, vel $ 32. Men det er fortsatt ganske bratt, tenker på deg, kan hakke 32 taco bell tacos for kostnaden av et enkelt nydelig rør av Chanel Ombres d’eau væske iriserende øyeskygge.

Trist panda.

Men vent! – Har himmelen i håndtaket mitt …? Er det et mer kostnadseffektivt alternativ, jeg ser?


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

Ja, jeg tror det er. Takk til Sephora, så vel som Charlotte Ronson.

De fire lette væsken-til-pulverstjerne øynene flytende øyeskygge, tilbys nå på Sephora-butikker, så vel som, er priset til en mye mer smakfull $ 18, så vel som fra her, ser de tungt påvirket av Chanel.

Fra deres nydelige glassrør, til deres daglige doe-foten applikatorer, all metode ned til fargene selv, gløter disse, så vel som glitrende ekstremt som deres pricier CHANEL-kolleger.

“Mote ‘IT’ Woman Charlotte Ronson er fineste forstått for å integrere sin uanstrengeste stil med hennes trendy downtown-design. Morsomt så vel som trendy, men de bærbare, Charlotte bringer nøyaktig samme følsomhet til hennes nye skjønnhetssamling. ”


Golden Beige Kelly minner meg om Chanel Delta, Silvery Pink Sky ligner Chanel River, Golden Olive Shiri kan stunt double for Chanel Torrent, så vel som Bronzy Taupe Alison er som Chanel Splash’s Kissing Cousin.

De er ganske morsomme å bruke. Bare rist flasken for å blande pulveret, så vel som flytende formel, swipe doe-foten applikatoren over lokkene dine, så vel som å blande med en finger.


For en mer intens effekt, vent på produktet for å tørke før du bruker ekstra lag. Arbeid raskt, skjønt, siden disse spedbarnene tørker raskt.

Alison, Sky, Kelly så vel som Shiri

Alison, Sky, Kelly så vel som Shiri

Oh, så vel som en bonus, disse stjerneklare øynene på samme måte som baser / primere som du kan bære under tradisjonelle pulver øyenskygge.



Din Friendly Community Beaution Addict,


P.S. Du har fortsatt tid! I dag er den ekstremt siste dagen å gå inn i sminke, så vel som skjønnhetsblogg buxom bildekonkurranse, så ikke forsink. Send inn bildene dine i dag for en mulighet til å vinne et $ 500 Visa gavekort (å bruke på alt du velger), så vel som $ 109 i Buxom Cosmetics.

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Søndager med faner katten, sminke samt klageblogg mascot, vol. 271

Hvem er faner katten? Omtrent seks år tilbake, jeg befriended en bortfall, loppebitt i tabby feline med en dårlig situasjon av ormer. Jeg kan se at han hadde falt på vanskelige tider, men hans dype forståelse av høymote samt varehus kosmetikk førte meg til å tro at han var mye mer enn å tilfredsstille øyet. Vi endte opp med å være raske venner, så vel som nå er han virkelig min leder (og en vellykket kattunge modell).

Wowzers! Hva en virvelvind av aktivitet. Det har vært stressende i her i dag i hovedkvarteret til fanene Feline Industries, LLC. Det var vår årlige Thanksgiving Office Party, som av programmet indikerer at jeg har åpnet bokser av saus hele ettermiddagen.

Feiringen er virkelig type odde siden – vel, jeg mener, av noen grunner – virksomheten har virkelig ingen form for andre arbeidere enn meg, så vel som faner, så vel som han er Feo (Feline Executive Officer). Tabs kaster feiringen årlig for det meste for de profesjonelle fotografene som jobber med ham på Kitty Modeling Shoots, vet du som en metode for å si, “Meow!” (Takk!) Til dem for å få ham til å se så bra ut.


Det er også kanskje en tøff uvanlig for en tabby-feline å kaste en feiring – jeg mener en feiring av denne størrelsen.

Saus fontener, en all-you-can-eat sjømat buffet, en catnip-infused oksygen bar samt cameos av noen av de mest populære kattene i tjenesten (Garfield, noen?). Det var en ganske stor å gjøre.

Men heldigvis er det over nå, så vel som jeg kan til slutt hvile.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

Ah …

Åh! nesten glemte. Her er de nåværende Kitty Modeling Pics i Tabs ‘på Internett-porteføljen. Håper du nyter.

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,



P.S. Ikke unnlater å huske å gå inn i denne helgens Sephora Giveaway (det slutter mandag kveld klokka 11:59 p.m.). Det er et $ 50 gavekort på spill (kanskje med navnet ditt på det). Flott lykke!

P.P.S. Må stikke. Jeg skal glede meg til å fange opp avslutte nå for andre gang! Jippi!

Ja, jeg er en nerd.

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Two methods to Win a $50 eGift Card From Sephora!

WINNER: The giveaway is closed now, as well as the champion is avargas21! Congratulations, avargas21! If you went into however didn’t win this time around around, keep trying, as well as click right here to go into any type of continuous giveaways before you jet.

Hook or crook, I’m costs part of this weekend doing absolutely nothing other than walking around the Sephora store by my house.

That’s my pledge to world earth ideal now!


I have to catch up on the housecleaning as well as run a few tasks at some point, as well as El Hub has to work part of the day today, so I requirement something fun to look ahead to…

Fun like 30 minutes to myself at Sephora — which occurs to be ideal next door to a Petco up here, so it’ll be a win-win for Tabs.

Man, I feel like I’ve been behind this entire week. like I’ve barely been treading water. You ever have weeks like those?


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

I believe it was the trip to southern California the other day. I had a blast, however it’s not simple flying as well as coming back on the exact same day. I’m still pooped.

I bet we might all utilize a pick-me-up this weekend… exactly how about a giveaway for a $50 Sephora gift card that’s so simple to go into you might do it ideal now in 10 seconds flat?

Lol! See what I did there? Brought it back around…

Details to go into are down below. just wiggle your bit scroll finger.


Lykke til! — as well as have a terrific weekend.

What people are saying…

“Hi Karen!!! Wow, that news absolutely gets a hoo ray ray as well as an elephant!!! (I’ve perhaps been enjoying as well much Boardwalk Empire.) say thanks to you so much!!!”

“What a charming surprise it was to see your statement (after completing one of lots of exams/papers/projects I have this crazy week)! The eCard will absolutely simplicity costs for this broke, beauty-obsessed college student. say thanks to you, Karen as well as Tabs!!”

“Thanks so much, Karen. just in situation you were wondering what I got with it, I made a decision to opt for the Clarisonic Mia–I’ve been wanting it for many years now, however have never bought it since of the price. Your eCard assisted me lastly get it! I look ahead to utilizing it. takk igjen!”

“Lukk inngangsdøra! OMG Karen, you have made my day. I’m ill in bed with the flu as well as this has just applauded me up immensely!!!!!!!! BTW, I’m the one that sent you that photo of my pug in a wig a few weeks back LOL! thanks again, honestly, I’m beyond giddy ideal now.”

“Thank you SO much Karen! HERREGUD! desires truly do come true! I can’t believe I won! You have no concept exactly how much this will assist me with the holidays. I’ve been an avid fan of your blog for the past two years. Your witty as well as innovative entries, informative makeup information, as well as gorgeous pictures have kept me hooked. I look ahead to a lot more of it. Goodness, you’ve
seriously just made my week as well as it’s only Tuesday night!”

“Herregud! say thanks to you so much Karen (and Tabs, of course)! I truly appreciate this! I’d been eyeing the Anastasia brow pencil in Strawburn to match my red hair!”
-Chelsea (and Jiji the kitten as well as Quincy the bunny)

Ett (1) Sephora Egift-kort bestående av $ 50 sendt til mesteren via e-post (internasjonale lesere, kan du velge å få $ 50 sendt av PayPal i stedet).

There are two methods to enter, as well as you can do both of them for two possibilities to win. First, you can go into by leaving a comment at the bottom of this post, a comment about anything at all, like, have you ever used tinted get in touch with lenses? who makes your preferred foundation? What’s your preferred two-product makeup combination? Did/do you like going to school? What’s one appeal idea or product you vow by that lots of people don’t like? who makes the very best chocolate? have you ever sworn off caffeine? Do you have any type of poor appeal vices? – Du får ideen.

Second, you can go into by complying with me on Twitter @karenmbb as well as retweeting (RT) the complying with message:

Follow @karenmbb as well as RT to Win a $50 eGift Card from Sephora!

The deadline to go into is Sunday, June 2, 2013 at 11:59PM (PT).

Entrants need to go into utilizing a valid email address and/or Twitter account to win.

A maximum of two (2) entrances per person — one within the comments at the bottom of this post, as well as a second entry by means of Twitter attended to to me @karenmbb.

Contest is available to individuals of any type of country who have reached the age of majority according to their regional legislations (18 in the united states with these exceptions: Alabama as well as Nebraska, 19; Mississippi, 21).

Sephora eGift Certificates can only be redeemed on the internet as well as are not valid in stores eller tilbys for kjøp eller innløsning i Canada. Verdensomspennende vinnere kan velge å erstatte Sephora Egift-kortprisen for $ 50 sendt direkte til e-postadressen din av PayPal i stedet.

Faner så vel som jeg (hittil referert til som “t-penger så vel som k-dawg”) vil velge en (1) mester tilfeldig fra inngangene enten igjen i kommentarene på bunnen av denne bloggen publiserer eller deltok til @karenmbb på Twitter.

Mesteren vil bli avslørt her innen 48 timer etter fristen.

Ugyldig hvor det er forbudt ved lov.

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,


Vinner: Giveaway er stengt nå, så vel som mesteren er Avergas21! Gratulerer, Avergas21! Hvis du gikk inn, men ikke vunnet denne gangen rundt, fortsett å prøve, så vel som klikk her for å gå inn i en hvilken som helst type kontinuerlige giveaways før du jet.

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Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 204

One can never go wrong with pearls…

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Vel, det er ikke mye av en meningsmåling. It’s more just a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past four years. I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you enjoy reading mine.


I just finished a quick run, and I feel like I’m floating on an endorphin-fueled high. feels like it’s gonna be a terrific day!

How do you feel about bright neon clothing?

I’m still on the fence… I noticed a ton of neon shirts, shoes and accessories at gap and Target last weekend. Talk about flashbacks to the ’80s! I remember wearing an oversized neon green t-shirt in fourth grade that went down to about my knees and thinking I was the ish, haha! It was so obnoxiously bright that it reflected a greenish tint on my chin…

Not my best look. Still, I don’t mind the idea of wearing something bright and eye-catching, but I’d want to wear it in a way that wasn’t totally obnoxious.

Your favorite lip balm?

Lately, I’ve been stuck on Bite beauty Vitamin Gel in Pink Grapefruit, a moisturizing lippie that tastes just like Boton Rice candy (NOM!).

Notat til meg selv…

Do whatever it takes to get to that hatha yoga class tomorrow at 6. WHATEVER IT TAKES!

Have you tried zip-lining?

No, but I’d love to! I’d like to do it somewhere that took me soaring out over the tops of tall trees.

When was the last time you rode a bicycle?

Last June over my birthday trip to Vancouver, British Columbia. El Hub and I rented bikes and cruised around Stanley Park. Så gøy!

Which of your pals lives the farthest away from you?

I’m lucky that two of my closest friends, Jen and Cindy, live here in the Bay Area, and they’re both about an hour away, so I guess that makes you the farthest.

What would you do with a six-month, all-expenses-paid break from work or school?

I’d sleep in and do absolutely nothing each day for the first two weeks. Then, I’d spend the next month chasing waves (always, always wanted to go on a surf trip), and then the next few months eating my way through Europe.

Not sure about the rest of the time… six months is a long time, and I’m not sure how Tabs would feel about these plans. I mean, I know he’s doing his own thing with his kitty modeling career and probably wouldn’t want to chase me around the world, but there’s no way I could go six months away from him.

Something that makes you feel peaceful?

The sound of rushing water and bubbles for the first few seconds after I dive into a body of water.

Ukentlige mål:

Just one this week (well, two, including making it to yoga tomorrow night): don’t stop believing!


It rained buckets here all day yesterday, so no food truck time for me (boo!), but I did make it to the movies.

If you like movies with butt-kicking babes, go see Haywire (it was El Hub’s idea), directed by Steven Soderbergh and starring former MMA fighter Gina Carano, who’s like Jane Bond/Bourne in the flick, which also stars Michael Douglas, Antonio Bandaras, Michael Fassbender and Ewan McGregor (yay!).

It’s probably safe to assume that the Academy will not be doling out any Oscars for the film, I thought it was great. and apparently, according to El Hub (a former martial artist), Gina has top-notch fighting technique and looks tough as nails.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

Of course, I wouldn’t know, because other than the correct way to make a fist, I don’t know a thing about fighting. I couldn’t appreciate the finer points of the action scenes, but I still thought it was pretty amazing to see a girl action hero delivering so many beat downs.

And now today it’s back to the grind! — which also means it’s time for the Monday Poll. Do you have a minute to touch base and say hi?

To complete the Monday Poll, just copy the following list, and paste it with your answers in the comments.

1. Stemning:
2. how do you feel about bright neon clothing?
3. Your favorite lip balm?
4. note to self…
5. have you tried zip-lining?
6. When was the last time you rode a bicycle?
7. Which of your pals lives the farthest away from you?
8. What would you do with a six-month, all-expenses-paid break from work or school?
9. Something that makes you feel peaceful?
10. weekly goals:


Here’s to us having a terrific week of record-breaking proportions!

Din vennlige nabolag skjønnhetsavhengige,


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LORAC Tantalizes With a Six-Piece golden Bronze summertime set That’s great to Glow: The LORAC TANtalizer glow to Go Collection

It’s time to glow! The new LORAC TANtalizer glow to Go Collection
My propensity to wait up until the last minute has once again left me without any type of fantastic Memorial Day plans…

Unless Jay-Z as well as Bey phone call or I win that Mega Millions jackpot, in which situation you’ll discover me in the Maldives in one of those high-end huts on the water, I’m quite much stuck at home, puttering away.


Putt, putt, putt…

Of course, Tabs likes the truth that I’m not going anywhere since it implies he’ll have his assistant to kick around as well as assault with his 20 pounds of brute force whenever he wants.

I expect I ought to be pleased that he doesn’t evaluate 25…


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

Even though I’m staying local, I’m not letting that stop me from at least appearing like I went away.

I want a unwinded glow, dagnabbit!

LORAC’s new TANtalizer glow to Go Collection couldn’t have come at a much better time.

The TANtalizer glow to Go Collection, $36 (a $120 value)
This $36 six-piece restricted edition summertime set covers the bases for a traditional golden bronze summertime glow for your eyes, cheeks as well as lips.

Tahitian Sand Eye Shadow, a shimmery light gold
Warm-toned gals from light to dark of differing makeup capability can all WERK glow to Go.

Barbados Bronze Eye Shadow, a shimmery bronze

Each of the pieces in the set, with the exception of the dense dark chocolate Costa Rican Coffee Eye Shadow, lay down a moderate amount of pigment, so your danger of going overboard with colors? practically non-existent.

Costa Rican Coffee Eye Shadow, a dark brown matte
And if you can’t spare/bear any type of additional time for blending, you’re in luck. These powder products merge like ideal drivers, perfectly blending with just a few swipes of your preferred fluffy brush.

TANtalize Me Baked Bronzer
Glow to Go is developed to produce a extremely particular sunny look — like yourself, turned up a few notches.

From the left: Tahitian Sand Eye shadow (a light gold shimmer), Barbados Bronze Eyeshadow (a bronze shimmer), Costa Rican Coffee Eye shadow (a dark brown matte), TANtalize Me restricted edition Baked Bronzer (a shimmery golden bronze), TANtalizier Body Bronzing Luminizer (a shimmery peachy golden bronze) as well as TANtalizer Lips With benefits Lip Gloss in Rico (a pearly bronzed pink)
Probably not what I’d reach for when Kiki shine Las vegas (one of a number of of my inner drag queen personas) wishes to come out as well as play, however when I’m just gonna hang out at house over the weekend, it’s ideal for me.

Before I fail to remember — as LORAC’s shadows have a very soft structure much like metropolitan Decay’s, they can end up sprinkled on my cheeks…

Just something to believe about (don’t fail to remember to tap any type of excess off your clean first).

PRICE: $36 (a $120 value)
AVAILABILITY: restricted edition, offered now at Sephora as well as online
MAKEUP as well as charm blog RATING: B+

Heaven is a location on earth…and it’s an island in Japan!

Click this, as well as click to play the soundtrack at the top of the page.

Crank up the volume, too!


Seriously, it made my day.

Ditt vennlige samfunn sjarmavhengig,


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Mac Hei, Sailor! Hva er det på neglene dine?

Hei, sjømann! Hva er det du bruker på neglene dine?

Åh, de to nye neglelakkene fra Macs hei, sjømann! samling? Du vil ikke si … vel, i så fall, reduser anker for en stave, så vel som fortelle meg hva du kan om disse nautiske godbitene.


Hmm … de er dyre, sier du? Wow, $ 17? Det gjør støy som mye, selv om emballasjen er søt og begrenset utgave.

Men hva med de private nyanser? Hva tror du? Er de verdt det?

Touch of Red.
Jeg krever bare en eller to strøk av denne lyse, kremete gullige røde for full dekning farge, så vel som det tørker i god tid. Stat 30 minutter.

Jeg graver nøyaktig hvor godt det samsvarer med de røde leppeprodukter som er utgitt med denne samlingen, men jeg føler at jeg har sett lignende farger for mye mindre …
Makeup samt sjarm blogg rating: B

Touch of Red.

Vestral White.
Jeg husker når det var langt færre valg for neglelakkfarger tilbake på dagen. Rosa, rød så vel som fersken var de mest fremtredende nyanser, så vel som om jeg ønsket å male neglene mine med en kremaktig hvit som Vestral, ville jeg ha nådd en flaske hvit-out!

Brutto, jeg vet.

Vestral White’s høyglans, lyse hvite farge samt god tørrtid (som berøring av rødt, det tar omtrent 30 minutter) scorer store poeng med meg, men den tykke formelen gjelder ujevnt, så vel som blader streker. For ugjennomsiktig farge må jeg søke fra tre til fire lag.

Tatt i betraktning kostnaden ($ 17) … Jeg kan ikke overholde strekene.
Makeup samt sjarm blogg rating: c

Vestral White.

Både Vestral White samt Touch of Red tilbys nå på Mac tellere, butikker samt


Hvordan føler du deg om Macs nagelprodukter generelt? Tror du at de er på det beste sporet?

Ditt vennlige samfunn sjarmavhengig,


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Noms for dine øyne: En rask titt på Tom Ford Appelsamlingen for høsten 2012

Hvor går tiden?! Jeg kan ikke tro det er nesten 5 her ute. Jeg tror vi krever en matbit … Kan jeg vurdere interesse i en sminke samt klageblogg cupcake?

Jeg forstår at du vil ha en!
Eller nøyaktig hva med en visuell matbit i stedet? Kanskje en av disse nye Tom Ford Appeal Bits for høsten 2012? Jeg får en sterk 80-talls vibe fra samlingen, som Joan Cusack i arbeidende kvinne (som jeg elsket!), Men litt oppdatert.


Unnskyld meg mens jeg går og driller håret mitt, så vel som å se etter benmarmene mine.

Hva tenker du?


Øyefarge quad i smaragd lyst (venstre) så vel som fortryllet (høyre), $ 75 hver

Kinnfarge i narcissist ($ 55)

Lip samt Cheek Discolor i tainted som ($ 48)
Lip farge i Aphrodisiac ($ 48)
Tom Ford Ultra Radiate Lip Gloss i Naivete ($ 45)

Neglelakk i Dominatrix (venstre) samt minx (høyre), $ 30 hver
Øye Definere blyant i eksotisk teal ($ 35)
Plomme absolutt for øynene ($ 35)
Øyenfarge quad i Emerald Lust
Øyefarge quad i fortryllende
Kinnfarge i narcissist, plomme absolutt for øyne, så vel som øye definerende blyant i eksotisk teal
Leppe farge i afrodisiac, leppe samt kinn misfarging i tainted som så vel som ultra utstråle leppe glans i naivete

Din vennlige samfunn appellavhengige,
